Regulamin SPA

Regulations and applicable rules
in the relaxation area in Osada Augustow

  1. Guests using the Osada Augustów relaxation zone are required to comply with the rules applicable in the sauna and tub. Failure to comply with the rules may result in the guest being asked to leave the spa area by the owner of the facility or a person authorized by them. Osada Augustów is not responsible for damages resulting from failure to comply with the regulations.
  2. The relaxation zone is a zone of silence and relaxation. Please talk quietly. It is forbidden to make noise or shout.
  3. 3.Children under 15 years of age may stay in the zone only if accompanied by an adult.
  4. It is forbidden to: smoke, drink alcohol, bring drinks to the sauna, chew gum, eat food.
  5. Osada Augustów is not responsible for items left in the spa area.
  6. In the relaxation zone, be especially careful: please do not run, do not jump into the tub, use steps to enter the tub.
  7. 7.The relaxation zone is open until 22:00.
  8. Please provide the owner of the facility with information about your wish to use the sauna on the same day. Please inform about your wish to use the hot tub the day before. The hot tub requires a long burning time in the oven, the owner must have time to prepare it. We reserve the right to refuse a session in the tub or sauna due to a breakdown or a situation beyond the control of the owner of the facility.
  9. People whose condition indicates the consumption of alcohol or other intoxicants, with open wounds and inflammation of the skin, with signs of dangerous diseases, the behaviour of whom poses a threat to other guests and employees, whose hygiene status differs from generally accepted standards cannot enter the relaxation zone.
  10. We do not bring anything to the sauna except a towel. Flip-flops and drinking water should remain in the vestibule. It is absolutely forbidden to bring alcohol into the entire spa area.
  11. The sauna is turned on and off only by an authorized person. The hot tub is lit with wood only by an authorized person. It is strictly forbidden to put anything into the furnace of the tub. włącza i wyłączajedynie osoba do tego upoważniona. Balia rozpalana jest drewnem tylko i wyłącznie przed osobę do tego upoważnioną. Bezwzględnie zakazuje się wsadzania czegokolwiek do pieca balii.
  12. 12.Animals (except for deer) are not allowed in the relaxation area.
  13. Guests suffering from diseases such as: diabetes, heart disease, high or low blood pressure and those taking anticoagulants, antihistamines, tranquilizers or beta-blockers, and pregnant women should consult a doctor before using the relaxation area. schorzeniami min.: cukrzyca, choroby serca, wysokie lub niskie ciśnienie krwi oraz przyjmujący leki przeciwzakrzepowe, przeciwhistaminowe, uspokajające lub należące do grupy beta-blokerów oraz kobiety w ciąży powinni skonsultować się z lekarzem przed skorzystaniem ze strefy relaksu.
  14. Osada Augustów is not responsible for health effects caused by using the sauna and hot tub.
  15. Any irregularities, defects, etc. affecting the operation of the SPA area should be immediately reported to the owner.
  16. For the sake of your own safety and the safety of others, follow the above rules.
  17. The use of your own essential oils, fragrance bouquets in the sauna is prohibited. Operating the sauna, stove and adding anything to the stove is not allowed. Users causing damage of the sauna will be charged the costs of damage.
  18. Do not touch the elements of the stove, they can be very hot and may cause burns !!!
  19. Before entering the tub and sauna, you should take a bath with soap to remove any cosmetics or other residues from the surface of the skin.
  20. The use of the sauna should not exceed 15 minutes. After using the sauna, cool down and take a rest. The session can be repeated.
  21. Before entering the sauna, remove jewellery and metal elements - they may heat up and burn the body.
  22. When in sauna, please sit on a towel.
  23. Slippers should be left before entering the sauna.
  24. In the case of applying cosmetics that may run off on the body or hair, it should be properly protected with a towel or a foil cap.
  25. It is forbidden to dry personal belongings and towels in the saunas.
  26. When staying in saunas, you should always be covered with a towel. Entering the cabin in textiles is not allowed.
  27. After the session in the sauna or in the tub, please provide feedback to the authorized person.
  28. Using the SPA zone is equivalent to the fact that the person has read and accepts all the above points of the regulations

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